Bringing it all together:
We all have a preference for the way we like to give and recieve information. This is our "Communication Style", A couple of great example of this is some of us prefer another family member to work through the instruction manual of a new gadget and then show us how it works, or example two, we will ignore the manual and try to intuitively work out how it works.
Reds - Dominant
Yellows: Influence
Greens: Steadiness
Blue: Compliant
Each of the 4 styles are needed to create balance in an organisation. They do not need to be present in every team and indeed it can be a negative experience for all if a communication preference style is in the wrong job, as the environment can be opposite to their own natural style.
An example of this would be where a job role requires compliance checkings and detailed accurate work to tight deadlines. For the :
Red Style, they don't like routine.
Yellows, not great on the detail
Greens: not good at prioritisation
Blues: A perfect match!
These are pure styles, in reality our teams will be a blend of more than one style, so Red/Green Yellow/Red Green/Yellow Blue/Red
These blends bring strengths from both styles, and also the possible weaknesses too, so understanding yourself and your teams styles are important for many reasons, some examples are
Internal / External Collaboration
Reduced Internal Conflict
Employee Job Satisfaction
Sales Performance
Customer Engagement
Comminication Skills
Our commincation styles will change depending on many factors, but in general in a job role they may be set from the start and will remain throughout.
It is import that the Business Owner, SME Manager, or CEO knows how their team members and teams are communicating internally and externally because only be knowing that each interaction with internal or external customers can be a great experiece, an OK experience or a negative experience.
In future posts, we will cover of why this is so important to your business and by not knowing how your team communicates can have serious implications for your business.
